Freak Nation’s Maintainers

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Freak Nation is created and maintained by a few San Francisco freaks. We’ve been living here for 29 years now, continuing to live our freaky lifestyles in a place where people don’t flip out if you have purple hair. During that time, we’ve been involved in nearly every facet of freak life, from goth clubbing to gaming to queer activism to... oh, you get the idea. We’ve been around the block a few times. Now we run a web site.

Kai MacTane
Webmaster, Back-End Developer
The webmaster and back-end developer of Freak Nation — in essence, Kai is the evil mastermind behind this site. He’s been designing and building Web sites for over 28 years now, starting with the site for the magazine for the uncompromising bisexual, Anything That Moves. He’s also run Freak Nation’s sister site, the for over 27 years.

When not wrangling content, bashing pixels together, or coding some combination of Perl, PHP, HTML and CSS, he likes to dance with fire, or DJ a mixture of goth, industrial, and world-beat eclectica. This doesn’t leave him much time to play Shadowrun, or get together that Changeling: the Dreaming campaign he’s been wanting to play... He’s also been a somewhat solitary Pagan for 36 years and counting.
Anne Killpack
Illustration, Content
Anne has been putting the “punk” into the for over 27 years, as well as providing illustration and design concepts. Anne has been Production Manager for Anything That Moves (“The Magazine for the Uncompromising Bisexual”), and has GMed games from AD&D to CP2020, and a sex party. She’s been one of the poster children for polyamorous bisexuality in her area, and writes science fiction in her spare time. Back in her junior-high days, she had half the school convinced she actually was an alien. She says, “When I grew up, I wanted to be either a Heinlein heroine or Carl Sagan.”

Among other things, Anne’s the creator of the Freak Nation logo that you see in the top left of every page. When Kai’s about to do something boneheadedly wrong in graphic design, Anne sets him straight and averts the catastrophe.
Ms. Alternative
Advice Columnist
Ms. Alternative is the sort of lady who reads Judith Martin for entertainment, as well as comedies of manners. She was raised by diplomats, and has been in the employ (indirectly) of the White House Chief of Protocol, as well as diplomatic duties. Ms. Alternative currently resides in San Francisco, which is known as a hotbed of alternative living, and participates in several of those interesting practices when she can find the time. She’s well qualified to give advice on topics ranging from etiquette and manners to sexuality and romance to simple “Ack! What should I dooo?!?” queries.

When not writing her advice column for this site, or improving the courtesy level of San Francisco night-life, she likes to curl up by the fire with a good book of etiquette or erotica and a glass of hot tea or fine Scotch.