Freak Nation Site Notes
Curious about this site? About the people who run it, or what we used to put it together? Of course you are! (Or, if you’re not, then you should look at some other page...) This section will tell you all about who we are, how we built this thing, and similar sorts of stuff.
Freak Nation Site Notes
- Freak Nation’s Maintainers
Answering the unasked question: “Who is the shadowy, spooky cabal behind Freak Nation?” Heck, we’re no kind of “shadowy cabal”; we’ve got our pictures and everything right out there... without ninja masks on or anything.
- Freak Nation Site Tech Notes
In case you were wondering what sorts of technologies we’re using to keep this site running (or if you wanted to check our credentials and make sure we’re good open-source partisans), here’s a full rundown.
- Site Usage Stats
Graphical statistics on which pages are most requested, what browsers and operating systems people are using, what our ad click-through rates are like, and so on.
- Links, Affiliations and Suchlike
Sites we link to, including sites run by other freaks, places that help freaks out, sites that sell stuff freaks wants, webcomics that we tend to like, and even erotica sites with “outside the mainstream” models.