Freak Nation Linking Policy

Home > About Us > Linking

The World Wide Web is built on links. Without links, you can’t find anything else — the only way you get from Google (or your other favored search engine) to the site you really want to reach is through links. Besides, a link is free advertising. We here at Freak Nation can’t imagine any reason why we’d want someone not to link to us.

If you want to link to the Freak Nation front page, or to any specific page within this site, go ahead. All that we ask you not to do is:

We appreciate your links, and your support. Thank you. If you came here wondering about sites that we link to, instead of what to do if you want to link to us, you can take a look at our community links page.

Banner Images for Links

If you want to create a link from your site to ours, please feel free to use any of the following graphics as banner images. Since these graphics have dark backgrounds, they've been given a slight border to make it easier to see exactly where the image ends. The border is not part of the graphic itself.

Please do not use an <IMG> tag that points to the images on our server. Please, copy the image to your server, and write your <IMG> tags to use your own local images. This will help your site load faster, as well as conserving our own bandwidth. Thank you.

Full-Banner Size

468x60 pixels, 9,328 bytes

468x60 pixels, 18,259 bytes
same image, minues pebbled background, only 9,193 bytes

Animated Versions

Since there are a fair number of these, and they’re fairly large, and they flash and move around a bit, we don’t show these unless you specifically request them. Consider it a bit of politeness for people who are prone to migraines.

That’s awfully nice of you, but I actually want a migraine. Let me have it!

Half-Banner Size

234x60 pixels, 6,340 bytes; animated, loops 5 times
234x60 pixels, 15,161 bytes; animated, loops 5 times

234x60 pixels, 10,148 bytes

Rectangle Size

180x150 pixels, 18,715 bytes
180x150 pixels, 18,039 bytes

Smaller Sizes

“Button 1” Size

120x90 pixels, 8,262 bytes
120x90 pixels, 8,692 bytes
120x90 pixels, 10,983 bytes; animated, loops forever

“Button 2” Size

120x60 pixels, 6,069 bytes
120x60 pixels, 6,385 bytes
120x60 pixels, 8,677 bytes; animated, loops forever

“Micro Bar” Size

88x31 pixels, 3,178 bytes
88x31 pixels, 8,430 bytes; animated, loops forever

Again, if you wish to use any of these images, please make sure to copy them to your server. Do not create HTML tags that have things like SRC="" in them — if you do that, anyone trying to load your pages will need to connect to our server as well. If our server is down or slow, it will make your pages load slowly. Instead, copy the image to your server, so the reader only needs to connect to your site. Thank you.