Ms. Alternative

Freak Nation’s Advice Columnist

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Problems abound in the world, and freaks aren’t immune to them. But most advice columnists — whether they deal with sex and love, with etiquette and manners, or just with “problems in general” — are just not ready to handle the kinds of questions we normally face. Try asking Miss Manners about the proper etiquette for a mosh pit, or asking Dear Abby what to do about your slave’s other partner who wants to sleep with you.

Ms. Alternative is ready to help. She’s ready to answer questions on any topic you might need advice on, including: sex and lust; love and relationships; manners and etiquette; full-scale “Ack! My life is collapsing!” situations and even grammar and spelling. (Yes, she’s quite multi-talented.) Use our form to send her a question anonymously, or just send email to advice (at-sign) NOSPAMfreaknation daht com

Ms. Alternative Columns