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Quotes for the Media
The following quotes may be freely used for any purpose. All of them should be attributed to Kagan MacTane, Kagan D. MacTane, or Kai MacTane; if you want to add “webmaster of Freak Nation” or “webmaster of www.freaknation.com”, or any similar phrasing, that’s fine, too. If you want a brief description of Freak Nation, you can call it any of the following (or mix and match from the following phrases, as needed):
Further information for attributions can be found after the quotes themselves.
The gothic lifestyle and subculture is primarily based around music and fashion, but there’s also an underlying philosophy: that death and darkness are just as important as life and light. That there’s a beauty and sensuality in the night, and in sorrow.
Goth is a way of acknowledging the darker side of life, of realizing that we don’t have to be happy all the time.
Right after Columbine, there were a lot of claims that the shooters were “goths”, just because they wore black. A few days later, some people finally checked with the local goth community, and found out Harris and Klebold had never been a part of it. They didn’t listen to goth music, they didn’t go to goth clubs. But that part never got reported as much. The average goth is a lot less violent than the average football player.
Open-source isn’t just for geeks any more; half the people I know use Firefox as their web browser. I haven’t seen a pop-up ad in over two years.
Even if the philosophy isn’t important to you, open-source means never having to worry that some web site will hijack your browser’s home page and install malware you can’t get rid of.
Paganism promotes a more mature, adult world-view. Instead of black-and-white, yes-no, Paganism promotes seeing many sides of an issue, just like it has many gods. We don’t even stop at shades of grey; we try to see all the colors of Nature.
Bisexuals simply don’t consider gender a good reason to not be attracted to someone. We’re no more “promiscuous” than someone who likes both redheads and brunettes.
We’re equal opportunity lovers, and we’re also equal opportunity rejectors. Plus, we get to be told we’re confused by both the gays and the straights.
We’ve got twice the chances for a date on Friday night, but also twice the chances te get turned down or have our love go unrequited. I’m not sure if it evens out, but I wouldn’t trade it.
The core of it is very simple: love is not limited. If I love my brother, does that love diminish when Mom and Dad bring a sister home from the hospital? The capacity for love is boundless.
Nobody’s immune to jealousy; we all experience fits of it on occasion. But in a poly relationship, it’s not considered a “proof of love” — or a psychological flaw. Instead, it’s a signal that you and your partner(s) need to talk; you need to communicate how you feel and what you want from each other.
Ask anyone who’s practiced polyamory what’s most important, and they’ll tell you: communication. Good communication skills are even more important to polyamory than good time-scheduling skills (though those are very handy, too). Being poly teaches you skills that are wonderfully useful in all other areas of life.
Anyone who says polyamory can’t work hasn’t seen my relationships. I’ve been with my current main partner for over seven years; a previous relationship of mine lasted nearly ten years. Lots of marriages don’t last half that long.
If you need to include my age, I was born April 29th, 1968. If you need a location, I live in San Francisco, and have since the summer of 1995. And if you want to describe me in terms that specify my connection to the group you’re writing about, you can mix and match from the following list. You can replace time periods as necessary; e.g. if you’re writing in March, 2006 and a phrase says I've done something since 1996, you can just say “for ten years” or “for the past decade” or whatever.